Social Benefit is Our Priority: 

We show utmost sensitivity to ensure that our goals are in harmony with the interests of the country and society. We aim to increase the added value we will provide to the country's economy with our production, and we carry out our activities by considering the benefit of the local people, with the awareness of our responsibilities towards creating a sustainable future.

Acting with awareness of the importance of Community Relations:

• Adopting the principle of carrying out all our activities in a way that will benefit the society we work with,

• By respecting and understanding the needs, values, opinions and rights of all our stakeholders,

• Acting with a sense of responsibility on behalf of all members of the society,

• By establishing open and transparent communication,

• Adopting the principle of mutual solidarity,

• Seeing social approval as an integral part of our business,

• Considering the outputs of activities carried out within the framework of sustainable mining criteria,


Considering the rights of the local people in the regions where we operate,

With the aim of creating value for society,

We will carry out our activities with the aim of providing added value to our country.


Gübretaş Maden Yatırımları A.Ş. will carry out its activities in accordance with international and national mining standards, in line with sustainable mining principles, and prioritize occupational health and safety, environment and social approval criteria in all its works. The company will work with the aim of providing the highest added value to the region, society and the country at large.